General Information
General Information
(Melways Map Reference 22 H2)
Research Primary School is located in semi-rural surroundings on the north-eastern outskirts of Melbourne, within the Shire of Nillumbik. Our school was established in 1889 during the gold mining days and its rich history makes for a strong community atmosphere. We offer arrange of great programs for students including Art, and PE amongst others. Our extensive grounds and bush surroundings have many interesting areas for creative play and we have several formal games areas.
Our staff are hardworking and dedicated and we have a fantastic parent community who support us by participation in School Council, the Parents and Friends Community and many other events and activities around the school.
At Research Primary School we strongly believe that “every minute counts” and our community has high expectations of themselves and others. Student engagement and wellbeing are paramount.
School Dates and Times
Term 1: 30 Jan to 28 Mar
Term 2: 15 April to 28 June
Term 3: 15 July to 20 September
Term 4: 7 October to 20 December
Public Holiday Dates for 2024
- Labour Day – Monday 11 March
- Good Friday – Friday 29 March
- Easter Monday – Monday 1 April
- Anzac Day – Thursday 25 April
- King’s Birthday – Monday 10 June
- Melbourne Cup Day – Tues 5 Nov
- Christmas Day – Wednesday 25 Dec
- Boxing Day – Thursday 26 Dec
School begins daily at 9.00am and we encourage children to arrive a few minutes early.
There is a School Assembly at 9am fortnightly – held on a Friday, and parents are most welcome to attend.
Morning recess is from 11.00am – 11.30am.
Lunch is from 1.30pm – 2.30pm, with lunches eaten inside from 1.30pm until 1.45pm.
Dismissal time is 3.30pm
Dismissal on the last day of each term is 2.30pm, and 1.30pm on the last day of the school year.
Sign in/out
We have a Late Arrivals and Early Departures Book to help monitor both the punctuality and the whereabouts of children. Children are able to sign themselves in at the office, or an adult may sign them in. Children may only leave the school under the care of an adult, who in turn must sign the child out of the school.
Money Matters
Parents / Guardians will be notified in advance of camps, excursions and special activities. Full payment is expected prior to the activity, generally via the Term Planner which is issued at the beginning of each term. Camps are paid for separately and may be paid on an instalment basis. Special payment arrangements can be organised if needed. Please contact the Principal directly to discuss special payments.
Payments can be made via cash / cheque (payable to Research Primary School), Visa/MasterCard or by Direct Deposit
To pay Direct Deposit please use the following information:
CBA Bank
Research Primary School Official Account
BSB: 063-093
Account Number: 10002875
Suggested Payee Reference: eg.
GraSmit34TPT2 ie: Grace Smith 3/4 Term Planner Term 2
– or a suitable description regarding the reason for payment
- Schools do not ask parents to pay for school operating costs (e.g. utility costs) or general and unspecified charges.
- Schools request volunteer payments from parents under three categories:
Curriculum Contribution
General classroom materials and equipment
Photocopying and printing for students
Stationary packs at the beginning of school
Other Contributions
Sports affiliation costs
School buildings and grounds maintenance and enhancement (Building Fund)
First aid and hygiene costs
Extra Curricular Items and Activities
Optional extra curricular activities such as keyboard / guitar lessons
Optional extra curricular activities such as camps, excursions, incursions
These are provided to students on a user-pays basis.
Students will not be disadvantaged in any way if parents do not make a contribution.
Parents eligible to claim CSEF are those with a current pensioner concession card, a health care/benefit card, a Veterans Affairs (TPI) card or a foster parent. CSEF payments are made to the school mid way through the first semester. Eligible parents need to complete a CSEF Application Form available from the school office.
School Uniform
Research Primary School has an attractive and distinctive uniform which is compulsory. The items may be purchased from our Uniform Shop, or from local stores. A complete list of items and prices is available from the School Office.
Uniform items can be purchased from the Uniform Shop by advance order. Currently the uniform shop is closed to parents, if you wish to order please complete an order and hand it into the school office.
The School Uniform is red polo shirt (no t-shirts). Navy pants (plain, short or long. No logos, stripes or panels). No jeans (or clothing that ‘looks like’ jeans). Uniform Shop windcheaters or bomber jackets, or plain red or navy tops, windcheaters or jackets (jackets or tops must be red or blue). Skivvies or shirts under girls’ winter tunics can be red, navy or white. Leggings may be worn as part of the school uniform, but they must be worn underneath either a Summer dress or Winter tunic; leggings are not to be worn as a standalone item and only navy blue leggings are acceptable (no jeggings, patterns, diamantes etc). School winter tunics and school summer dresses are also available. Own choice of sensible, school appropriate shoes.
Please do not send children in coloured windcheaters, jackets, sports teams tops etc, please stick to red or blue.
School hats must be worn between September and May.

The Parents and Friends Committee along with volunteer helpers provide canteen lunches and over the countersales on every Friday. and countersales only every Tuesday.
Lunch orders should be written on a brown paper bag, with the child’s name and grade marked clearly. Money should be placed securely in the bag. Bags are available in packs of 50 from the school office.
Volunteers are always welcome.